I want to speak about the ‘human sin’ that the Lord spoke of here in today’s Scripture reading. What is the sin of human beings? The Gospel of Mark chapter 7 records our sins in detail.
People have their own standards about sin. Some people define a sin as a flaw. And some people think sin is a wrong behavior of a person. In Korea, when parents pass away, their sons and daughters dig a large grave and lower them into the grave carefully and then build a mound over the grave with earth, and cover it with grass. Then the surviving children regularly go to this gravesite and take care of the grass that covers the grave. And they say this is the faithful duty of children. So, if someone does not do this, he would be reproached as a grave sinner.
While Jesus was on this earth, it seemed as though He was also conscious of what people thought of Him. Perhaps for this reason...
Be careful not to misinterpret this passage to mean that you cannot enter Heaven if you are materially rich, for the riches here do...
At this hour I want to share with you about God’s work and blessing through the Word of the Gospel of Mark. When Jesus...